Update To Site Changes - GifGirl

My advertiser has strongly suggested that I remove the banner links to Gifgirl as the site has been too risque. I have replaced this link with my friends new site, DailyAcid.com, but will continue to regularly update GifGirl for the many subscribers.

Recently, some of my animated gifs have been "deleted" from my PAID imageshack account...so I've been replacing them as I find them. My advertisers cover the cost of this paid account, but I'm considering dropping the ads and adding a Paypal donate button...please let me know what you think about this? I would like to also create a paid Photobucket account as well.

Currently I've been updating these sites...

Failgif twice per day

GifGirl 3 times per day

DailyGifBlog 3 times per day

and MovieGif once a day

But have been falling behind on the Monthly Top 5's or specialty Top 10 lists

Please drop a comment...with any suggestions you may have regarding advertisers, donations, contests, or allocating my time to your favorite sites!

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